Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dog attacking and same-sexed parents

Well the title is misleading because there is no connection between those two statements. They are just random encounters I ran into today and I want to jot them down before heading to dream land haha.

This morning, I got attacked by two big dogs while riving my bike to school (Thanks to the bike which helped me block the dogs). Good thing is I wasn't injured, and the police came on time. When I told this incident to everyone, the first thing they asked after "are you okay?" was "so did you sue the owner?" I felt funny because at that moment, to be able to get out of the scene was my top mission, but then when I think about it, I forgot that I was living in America. Why America? Blame on my shallow thoughts, but I think American's individualism is too high that they get offended at every small thing which invades their comfort zone. Get burned by a cup in a coffee shop. Sue! Fall on the driveway of a neighbor. Sue! Broke  a leg while breaking into someone's house. Sue!

It didn't take me long to forget the dog attacking accident. Now it's become a joke about my history of being attacked by dogs. Move on. Today, at work, there were this white couple with a colored skin baby coming in. The baby was absolutely adorable and she was waving at me the whole time ♥ It is funny how I am from a conservative Asian country and I didn't even notice that the parents were a same-sexed couple until my boss pointed it out to me. I was a little surprised and amazed because it was the first time I had seen a same-sexed couple with an adopted baby. "Mama!" the baby said, and my manage turned to me frowned, "This is so confusing. How can the kid know which one is mama?" At that moment, she kind of got on my nerve. Well, the baby doesn't need to indicate which parent is her mom because she has two mamas, which means double awesome! Being homosexual is not their choice and being judged by the society is out of their controls. In the end, I believe that any individual has the right to be with the one they love.

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