Tuesday, January 24, 2012


It's been some days since my last post. Hmm I have been slacking from my plan which is to write more haha (Blame on school and work!). Ugh it's only the second week of school, and things start getting chaotic already (sigh). I don't even know how I can balance between taking seven classes and working.

People say I am lucky. Well, I am at a point where I feel super lucky to have supportive parents and great friends, but luck is not the only factor contributing to what I am having today. I do work hard. Like a motherf*cking dog (Sorry about my foul language, but it is getting on my nerves when people assume that I am having a princess life). Sometimes, I get jealous of those spoiled kids who have their parents with them. I am only twenty (I left home when I was seventeen) and I want to be a baby too. I get tired of being a tough one. I can't show my worries and fears because I don't want to affect my little sister or people around me. It is just hard being on my own without my parents here. But I guess everything has its own prices and rewards. And yes, I do believe in karma. Work hard today, play harder later. What matters is I am happy and I am working hard toward my goals which are in my sight right now.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dog attacking and same-sexed parents

Well the title is misleading because there is no connection between those two statements. They are just random encounters I ran into today and I want to jot them down before heading to dream land haha.

This morning, I got attacked by two big dogs while riving my bike to school (Thanks to the bike which helped me block the dogs). Good thing is I wasn't injured, and the police came on time. When I told this incident to everyone, the first thing they asked after "are you okay?" was "so did you sue the owner?" I felt funny because at that moment, to be able to get out of the scene was my top mission, but then when I think about it, I forgot that I was living in America. Why America? Blame on my shallow thoughts, but I think American's individualism is too high that they get offended at every small thing which invades their comfort zone. Get burned by a cup in a coffee shop. Sue! Fall on the driveway of a neighbor. Sue! Broke  a leg while breaking into someone's house. Sue!

It didn't take me long to forget the dog attacking accident. Now it's become a joke about my history of being attacked by dogs. Move on. Today, at work, there were this white couple with a colored skin baby coming in. The baby was absolutely adorable and she was waving at me the whole time ♥ It is funny how I am from a conservative Asian country and I didn't even notice that the parents were a same-sexed couple until my boss pointed it out to me. I was a little surprised and amazed because it was the first time I had seen a same-sexed couple with an adopted baby. "Mama!" the baby said, and my manage turned to me frowned, "This is so confusing. How can the kid know which one is mama?" At that moment, she kind of got on my nerve. Well, the baby doesn't need to indicate which parent is her mom because she has two mamas, which means double awesome! Being homosexual is not their choice and being judged by the society is out of their controls. In the end, I believe that any individual has the right to be with the one they love.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Jan 16th already?

I am so excited that school starts tomorrow! It's been a very long break (5 weeks ugh). This is the first break that I am not taking any classes, yet it's been the most productive one because I reached all the goals I set. It is weird that when I feel like writing something, I sit down and all ideas just wait for that moment to take a vacation. There have been so many times when I type something and backspace, backspace, backspace, and then "screw it, I'm not going to write any more." Yep, I am not too persistent, but now I have to do it because uhm I want to improve my sloppy and choppy writing skill?

So I have been waking up 30 minutes earlier everyday to exercise and "take" my daily writing dose haha. I hope I can keep this up. Last week, I rode my bike to Starbucks, and this little girl came to me when I was locking my bike. She said,"Wow you ride a bike? That's so cool! But why are you riding a bike? Don't you have a family?" That kind of hit me in the face haha. People don't see girls riding bikes around in Dallas often. I used to care about what they think when they see an Asian girl riding bike around, but then I realized that wouldn't change any pieces of my life.

Thank you for Dallas for having such favorable weather so far ♥

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Daily dose of writing

I came across my Tumblr page from a year ago and I am amazed at how things had changed... I will try to spare at least thirty minutes a day to write about whatever.

I was on my own the whole time since I came to the States two and a half years ago. Homesick was horrible. No matter how strong you are, the feeling of missing your loved ones will flow in every single veins of yours. Sometimes I wonder why I left my family to be here and endure with all the things, but life is not just simply about asking questions and expecting someone to answer them. I have my goals and I am happy about everything I do. It's what matters.

My younger sister just moved here and stayed with me some months ago. I have been always telling her how much I miss her, and every time she replies, "But I'm already here. How come you still miss me?" I guess my definition of missing is different from hers. I think missing brings the mental connotation. I miss doing the things that we used to do when we were young. I miss the innocent childhood. I miss the dinner time with family. The missing carries the feeling I have with those special people; it's not when they are physically being here or not. Both of us are working and going to school, and I hate to see my sister bearing with all the things which are not for a girl her age. I hate seeing her stressing out about money for school and living. I hate seeing her having to take public transportation for two hours to school. I hate it when we seem to let money take over our lives. It just hurts me too much... But those obstacles we are going through will make us stronger and more appreciative. Only one more year and a half until I graduate... As soon as I start working and making money, I swear I won't let my little sister endure with these things any more...