Life has been a bit crazy for me. Days go by so fast that I barely remember what the last meaningful thing I did. It kind of saddens me because I thought I would never change no matter how busy life was. Even though people keep telling me that changing is inevitable for growing up, but constantly preoccupied with everything is not the change I want. Anyways, I just want to jot down some small things I have encountered that remind me how lucky I am to be in this beautiful world (sorry for my cheesiness and thanks for bearing with it haha).
- Sunlight hits my eyes when I wake up. I recently moved my bed closer to the window and let the blinds open, so I can be welcomed by the first sunlight :) I also changed my alarm to my favorite song. It is a happy way to start a day haha.
- A little girl yelled "You're so pretty, bicycle girl!" to me. I don't feel comfortable riding my bike around since people, especially girls, don't do that in Dallas (I didn't have my car for four months). That little girl just made my day ♥
- I have been coming to McDonald on every Tuesday to study (Don't ask me why haha). One day, this elderly couple came to me and said "We've been watching you study the whole time. You're very hard-working and we wish you the best." It just melted my heart and made me smile. Now, whenever I come, they give me hugs :) Thanks Mrs. Evelyn and Mr. Floyd for making my Tuesday brighter.
- My sister randomly texts me "I love you, cranky sister." I am still surprised because we barely verbally express our feelings (We grew up that way because our parents believed "actions were stronger than words" haha). I think it is just very sweet to be reminded that I am loved (awkward wording alert!).
- I get to talk to my parents every Saturday. Before, due to some circumstances, I didn't get to talk to them often (It's been almost three years since I last saw them :C ). Now that my dad just installed Skype and bought a webcam, I can actually see them. Sigh. Sometimes I just want to give in everything and go home.
- While writing this post, I got a text from my uncle asking if everything was okay and let him know I needed anything (aww). I went "awww" because he is the strictest uncle, and it is just sweet. Just. Very. Sweet. I'll go home this weekend to visit my aunts and uncles!
Okay, I have to go back to study. Sleep is overrated!
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